White Papers
You can read and download my trilogy of white papers about using AI in Education. Let me know if you use these documents as resources in your school, district, college or university.
The Use of AI in Education: Challenges and Opportunities
This white paper presents three essential challenges to using artificial intelligence (AI) in educational settings. These challenges: speed, lenses, and ownership, represent issues that must be addressed if educators are going to safely and successfully use this technology in K-12 schools, colleges, and universities.
The Three Challenges of Using AI in Education (Part 2): Recommendations
Recommendations for dealing with the three challenges of AI in education are at the heart of this document, as well as a series of key questions that help to frame larger issues.
The Hive Framework: A Framework for Creating an AI Strategy
This third paper in the series presents a framework for creating an AI Strategy for your school, school district, college, or university.
New! Here is a short version of my Hive Framework Slideshow that you can use for faculty presentations or AI strategic planning discussions.